30 Tweet-able Topics

Sometimes it’s difficult – sitting in front of your computer screen – trying to figure out what to post on your social media sites…we’ve complied a list of ’30 Thing to Tweet About’ to help you along!

  1. New announcements from your niche – upcoming market trends, house that just sold etc.
  2. Teaser previews of offerings you are working on.
  3. Related interesting news from the industry – market stats, offer free snap shots etc.
  4. Trivia related to your business: history, technology, market, anything relevant to your niche!
  5. Ask for suggestions: people love to help someone out.
  6. Events you are holding: this informs as well as gets you attendees.
  7. Events you are participating in: this shows you are active.
  8. Witty one-liners: this can be jokes, daily wisdom or just about anything else.
  9. Helping people find opportunities: Helping people solve problems is the best thing you can do to promote your brand.
  10. Popular events: tweet about the upcoming school play, festivals, town soccer game (hyper local tweets)
  11. Unexpected developments: Was Gmail down today? Tweet about it!
  12. Regular industry news: yup, this doesn’t hurt if mixed in.
  13. Sales announcements: Tweet about any sales announcements you might have.
  14. Open houses: tweet address and time of open house to your niche – don’t forget about a special offer to stop by!
  15. Ask for customer feedback: Invite people to share their experiences selling or buying a home with you.
  16. Participate in the relevant hash tags conversations to get more visibility.
  17. Set up and announce tweet chats based on brand-related hash tags.
  18. Follow people and make acknowledgement via tweets.
  19. Thank people who have recently followed you in a ‘Thank You Tweet’.
  20. Post the latest updates from your blog along with the link. (you can use this site: https://bitly.com/to shorten the URL)
  21. Direct people to other social media channels you own by tweeting about them.
  22. Search on your brand name, past #keywords, relevant business and niche keywords (http://twitter.com/#!/search) and respond to tweets revolving around those hash tags.
  23. Create Twitter lists of industry-relevant analysts, well-wishers or customers, and announce the lists publicly.  This sends a positive message to your followers.
  24. Participate in trending topics and viral hash tags to rope in some attention. Ensure your opinion are related to your brand somehow.
  25. Tweet-greet your followers daily. Saying small things like “good morning,” or asking about their holiday weekend.
  26. Tweet and tag your best employee/follower/business affiliate of the week. This keeps the connections and personalization flowing.
  27. Announce weekly deals, giveaways and specials (free dinner for a special follower, discount on commission during the month of June)
  28. For business-to-business companies, follow conversations on Twitter and build them up. Twitter is the best place for making your opinion heard.
  29. Give daily twitter tips or quick definitions/explanations on keywords within your niche using your industry expertise. (example: home liens, APR, equity etc.)
  30. Make regular #FillInTheBlankFriday tweets with some incentives or freebies to the winners.

What other Tweets do you find best? Please share!

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