Google Honors Richard Scarry

If you search Google today you'll see something a bit different.  Today Google is honoring the famous children's book author and illustrator. Richard Scarry was a popular children's book author who sold over 100 million units and written over 300 books in his lifetime. He was born today June 5th, 1919 and passed away on … Continue reading Google Honors Richard Scarry

October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month

So why is a blog about Internet Technology for the Real Estate Industry writing about National Breast Cancer Awareness Month?  Well sometimes when things are passionate enough, mean enough,  or is worthy enough, it is OK to go off topic. Breast Cancer for me has a whole new meaning when it hits close to home.  … Continue reading October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Home Prices Start to Stabilize

It is nice to see good news in the market and I came across this article on CNBC today. On the way down and on the way up, home prices always lag sales, but they may be beginning to catch up.  A new report from finds home values stabilized in the third quarter of … Continue reading Home Prices Start to Stabilize

Web Browser Roundup

The Internet is constantly evolving. New technology appears (and sometimes disappears) faster than most of us can keep up with it. It's hard to imagine that only a little over a year ago most of us thought a "tweet" was merely the noise that a bird makes. Now, not only do we have to keep up with the latest trends and technologies, but we must keep our eyes on the vessel that we navigate the vast ocean of the Internet. I speak, of course, of the web browser. For many, it's known simply as "the big blue 'E'," and for others it's the centerpiece of their computer's desktop. Whatever you may call it, the web browser is one of the most important pieces of software on computers today.