7 Lessons learned from site redesign.

Joshua Ferris wrote an interesting article about his experience with his latest site redesign. It details some great guidelines to making a simple intuitive home page design that it tailored to keeping visitors on your site and interested in your business. Too often, I feel, clients want to overload their visitor with as much information as possible, and lets face it, with only a few short seconds to appeal to each unique visitor to your website, it seems like the most natural course of action to give them as much as you can to try and appeal toward them. Unfortunately, that action couldn't be further from the reality.

REALTOR® Triple Play – Mark the Date

RE/Advantage is pleased to announce that will have a booth at the Triple Play REALTOR® Convention & Trade Expo in Atlantic City, N.J. The Convention runs from December 8th-10th and we will be at booth 627. We will be showing off our latest products and website services for Brokers, Agents, MLS's and Boards. Stop by for a chance to win an Amercan Express Gift Cheque or a free website.